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My mouth is too small
I have a major dental phobia. While many of my phobia issues are dealt with on this site, there’s a part that isn’t. It’s to do with my jaw & mouth size. I have that clicky jaw thing, which doesn’t bother me on a daily basis, but causes issues with going to the dentist. I have a small mouth, both opening size & mouth cavity size. Therefore, I can’t open my mouth very wide. I am terrified that a dentist is going to try & force it open too wide for me, & break it or hurt it. I had this kind of problem with a dentist when I was a young teenager, from the dentist who started my dental phobia. Sedation dentistry is out, as how can I stop a dentist trying to open my jaw too wide? Also, fitting all the equipment into my mouth could be a problem. I did find a dentist who understood my phobias, but I no longer live in that area. I have not been to a dentist for a long time due to financial problems, now I have major work that needs to be done, so on top of my phobias I am ashamed for a dentist to see inside my mouth.
well there are lots of issues here .
if you need lots of work done then you have to find a dentist that will fit with your budget .
You need to find out what you do need first , then find a way to get it done , bearing in mind your difficulties .
I have people with all shapes and sizes of jaws , some of them small with limited opening .
Its our job to be able to treat them , although it can be difficult to get access for some procedures .
However Ive never known anyone to force anyones jaws open .
You already have experience of one dentist that was sympathetic and there are others around .
The important thing is to tell the dentist how you are feeling . Often what equipment is used can be tailored to whats possible for you , and get the dentist to help you by using stop signals .
I hope this helps get you on your way