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My son won’t go to the dentist
Hello Doctor,
I have a 14 year old son who refuses to go to the dentist at all. The last time he went he had to have a filling and he fainted after having the injection.
Since then he refused to go to the next dental check-up even thjough I grounded him etc, took away his computer privilages and now I just don’t know how I can get him to go to the dentist. I realise this is probably due to the bad exoerience he had the last time but he will not talk about it and gets very angry if the topic is brought up and shuts himself in his bedroom. Is there any advice that you can give me to get him to talk about it or any place I can take him where they can treat him without needles? I really don’t know what to do anymore. Please help.
Hello There, you need someone to find out what his exact fears are . You may need a referral to a hypnotherapist who may be able ascertain and unwind the problem. Good luck.