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My upcoming treatment is causing me anxiety

My dentist has recommended a gum graft to help combat gum recession. He has explained that the procedure will involve the harvesting of tissue which will be taken from my palate and that he will use the technique of taking it from under a flap cut in the palate. He does offer full sedation.

My teeth are in good condition with only four fillings and no other issues. I am 45 years old.

I can see that the work needs to be done but am very apprehensive about my ability to cope with the recovery and just the thought of the work is making me consider just letting nature take it’s course and having a bridge or whatever would be necessary if the teeth came out.

Is there an alternative to harvesting tissue from my palate as that’s the bit causing me real anxiety too

Any advice would be helpful.

Yes an allograft material called alloderm can be used as an alternative .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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