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One side of my mouth is very sore, but my dentist tells me i am being childish, what can I do?

Hi, i have had a phobia for dentists for over 10 yrs now, i do brush regularly but one side of my mouth is in dire need of treatment and has been for some years now. i used to have such good teeth but since my 3 kids they have become awful and its affecting my confidence. i did try to go to the dentist but he made me feel like i was acting childish so havent gone back. now i am in constant pain on one side of my mouth , the 2 back teeth are now black and decaying to nothing. is there a dental phobia trained dentist in liverpool on nhs that can help me? please help

yes there are dentists out there who can help you .
The first port of call may be the dental school to see if they have a clinic for anxious patients .
Its possible that the feelings you have about how the dentist feels about you are not actually based on he is actually thinking .
You feel shame and guilt but dentists have generally seen all these things before , and most are non judgmental .
Its not what the dentist thinks thats important but that they can offer you pain free treatment and help you with your anxiety .
Perhaps google in Dental sedation , or have a look at , and see who others speak about in Liverpool , who may take on NHS patients
Hope you find someone nice

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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