Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
If I Need to Have Teeth Removed, Can They Be Replaced?
I appear to have receding gums, which is now affecting appearance of my teeth. It now hurts and my gums appear to bleed in certain areas when brushing and also the gums inflame. I have no idea what my dentist can do for me and I haven’t been in years. I’m really worried and scared that nothing can be done. I’m only 19 going on 20 and I’m scared that some if not all my teeth would need to be removed. If they do, can I have implants or replacements?
Don’t even start thinking about implants or replacements!
You ... Read more
What are the best techniques to deal with dental claustrophobia/invasiveness?
What are the best techniques to deal with dental claustrophobia/invasiveness?
I’ll try to answer but your question is a bit vague.
I wonder ... Read more
Will I Have to Go Without Teeth During Treatment?
I have a dreadful fear of the dentist. My mouth is an absolute disgrace. I have none of my own teeth on the top, and the denture plate I have is over 33 years old. When I first had it fitted around what teeth were still in place, over the years the teeth that were left have one by one dropped out or I have pulled them out myself. The plate has had a couple of teeth broken off, it is so uncomfortable now as it don’t fit. My bottom teeth well I only have 7 of my own left, all the others hav one by one fallen out or I’ve pulled them out, 2 of them are in an absolutely diabolical state and need removing along with the other 5 teeth. I would need full upper and lower dentures but I can’t even walk into a dentist! I am coming into some money and would really love to eat proper food and smile again. My mouth the way it is I don’t smile. I have trouble eating and simply am so ashamed of my mouth. Can I be sedated or something and would I at any time have to go toothless for a period of time? Or could I have dentures fitted as soon as the other teeth are removed? Could you give me a rough idea of cost? I realise until you’ve seen the mess that is my mouth you can’t give me a definitive price. Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear that your fear is great and is holdi... Read more
Should I Get a Second Opinion About Dry Socket?
Hi, I had a tooth extracted on Friday, which was the worst experience I’ve ever had. However, I’m now in far more pain than prior to having the tooth removed. I’m taking painkillers every 3 hours and not sleeping at night as it is so severe.
I went back yesterday as the pain is so unbearable, where the dentist informed me that I now had “dry socket” and will take an additional 15-20 days to heal.
Can I move to a dentist elsewhere and seek a second opinion, as she has been no help whatsoever and I can’t continue to suffer like this. I also think she has disturbed one of my top teeth, as the pain is at the top of the mouth too.
I will try to give you some tips on how to manage this.
If the extra... Read more