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We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
previous treatment at dentists has caused great distress and is now stopping me having treatment!
i have gaps in my teeth where i have had teeth removed under general, i have a cap that need replacing and my teeth need some work done on them i have such a great fear of the denist as past treatment has caused me such upset i wont go to the dentist unless i cant cope with the pain of toothache anymore i seem to have a high painthresh hold but the problem is so bad know that i wont even smile anymore, im a carer and find myself hiding my mouth when i talk to my clients and family as my teeth are that bad and i have cancelled my wedding because of the photots please help me?
This fear is blighting your life to such a degree that you need to sort it out , well done for having the courage to get this far .
I suggest that you have a look at www.dentalfearcentral.org . There are many people on there who have been in the same situation as you , who are either just starting out , or have had some success .
There is a section that gives details of dentists who have helped people who have been on the forum .
You may need some extra help and another idea would be to contact AnxietyUk , who have access to CBt therapists , and there are some routes for people with limited funds .
To start you off imagine what it would be like to wake up tommorrow with a nice smile , be able to book your wedding , not be ashamed or put yourself down .
It is possible to get there , although Im not pretending it will be easy for you .Overcoming your anxiety about making an appointment will be the first step .
If you can find a dentist who is good with nervous patients , they will not be shocked or judgemental by your situation . You are not alone in this .
I hope this helps