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The dental treatment I have had has put me off getting more dental work

Hello Dr Pinder,
I have had dental work and braces etc and never had a problem going to the dentist. Then I had a long period of time not going to the dentist due to living abroad and then being unable to get in an NHS clinic. After finally finding one every single treatment I have had has been horrible, painful, stressful and just horrid. The needle hurts, things have gone wrong, the composite filling has come away etc and I am wondering wether I am just more sensitive due to not going for so long or that possible some of the blame lies with my dentist?
I have a filling booked but I know that I will cancel it because I dont think I can sit through one even though I am in pain. I don’t know if I am overreacting?

Im sorry that this has happened .
My instinct is to tell you to consider changing dentist .
You should be able to have work that ;lasts and is done in a comfortable manner .
It may be that if you are seeing an NHS dentist that they don’t have enough time to make sure that you get pain free treatment .
Im not derogating NHS dentists , but perhaps you could consider having some work done privately to get more time and attention .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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