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The side of my face is swollen

Hi i feel bit silly but here goes its 2am in the morning and cant take much more my face is swollen 1 side and I’m in alot of pain my teeth are rotten, I can’t smile, I dont talk in public places im hardly eating now 3 days ago i had a tooth snap of to the gum line while the rest of my teeth are black near the gum line and are hanging on by a thread. I’m 43 and so scared of the dentist it started when the dentist took out a wisdom tooth with no antiseptic many years ago to the point it took 3 staff to hold me down since then ive had 2 other bad run ins with dentists to the point where I lost my temper since then i break out in pure panic at the thought , sweat uncontrolably even to the point of being sick if i get to the front door of a surgery i just want the pain to stop my wife doesnt even kiss me anymore because my mouth is such a mess and my breath stinks its so embarrasing now is there anyway i can have all my top teeth took out while im asleep im not with a dentist even now i know it sounds stupid and being a 43yr old man i need to get a grip and you’d think even for my wifes sake and my childrens embarrasment id get them sorted but the total fear i have over rules these factors please help me i want to look normal again and not a embarrasment to my family thankyou

If your face is swollen then you need to get some antibiotics as soon as possible . Your dr , or emergency dr should be able to do that .Explain your severe phobia .
I have a patient in a similar position to you who I saw recently .
Its possible to ask to be referred to a hospital oral surgery department , or a dental hospital to be put to sleep fully to have all your teeth out . Then you could get some dentures which restore your function and appearance , and are clean and trouble free .
The dentist can see you without doing anything other than looking at your teeth .
You have to overcome your feeling of embarrassment and shame .Take small steps , perhaps get someone else to make an appointment and go with you , and go in to the dentist surgery with you , even to speak for you and tell the dentist what you want .
If you really want to change things , then try to take the first step very soon

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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