Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
What Can You Do To Help Patients with Dental Phobia?
Hi, I’m wondering if you can help me with a few things? I have a phobia of the dentist and haven’t been in a very long time and I am starting to lose teeth. What do you do to help people like me? And what are the prices please of a consultation? Do you put people to sleep if they need teeth removing?
I had a horrible experience with a dentist where I needed a top tooth removing and they left half of it stuck in, so it’s rotting and swollen. My pain is out of this world but I am so scared to come again and have something like this happen again. I am that terrified that I have done two fillings myself. Please help me.
Well the good thing is that you are asking for help. I am based in the City of London and my charge for a consultation is £108.
Yes, I do carry out treatment under sedation in some cases or I can refer to Guys Hospital if it’s NHS.
You really need to find out exactly what you need then you can see what your options are.
Hope this help a bit, Jenny.