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What if I have another panic attack?
I saw dentist to remove back molar which broke and now have exposed roots I returned to excise this and extract another molar as have decay under crown I can’t take adrenalin as I react badly had around 6 injections but they could not numb the tooth so I went home and had a panic attack what do I do now? Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your reply.
I’m very sorry that you have had this difficult experience .
Sometimes if a tooth is very infected its more difficult to numb and the alternatives to local with adrenaline are sometimes not as effective .
If you have some antibiotics , and maybe the dentist could use the alternative local , but topped up with a very small amount of local with adrenalin injected into the cuff of gum around the tooth .
You may need to be referred for Iv sedation or to a hospital for ga .
If you have a tendency to panic attacks some sedative tablets before the appointment may help .