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What pain-free treatment is there to repair my chipped tooth?

Hi there miss. I am an eighteen year old college student and want to have my tooth fixed before starting university in September.
I chipped my tooth quite badly last year in sports class. It hurt and looks awful! It’s quite a big chip, I can feel the difference with my tongue and when I breathe etc but it doesn’t hurt. I, however hate the dentist and had kind’v been avoiding having it fixed tomorrow- next week and so on. I was hoping to prepare myself by asking what I could have done to fix a chipped tooth (taken the top corner off my bottom canine), and what aids can I get to have any work done
thanks :)

If you have a chip , it sounds as if you may need a tooth coloured filling material bonded on .
You may not need any drilling or any injections .
The surface of the tooth is etched with a very weak acid solution ( like frosted glass ) then a clear glue is brushed on and the material is sculpted on and set with a blue light .
It may need shaping and polishing after that .
If its in a place that shows you may consider having this done on a Private basis .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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