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Will my new dentist judge me?
Hello, I’m 18 years old and have struggled with anorexia/binge-purge subtype for almost 7 years now, and the malnutrition had taken its toll on my teeth. I’m not even sure they grew right atall! There are two teeth (not my two front teeth, not the ones either side of them, but the ones either side of those) are higher up than the rest like fangs!
Plus my teeth are very yellow and the enamel is very thin. There’s quite a bit of a hole in one of those higher teeth, and the one next to it is rotting I’m sure, but there’s no black, it just looks dull and almost see through!
I’m going to make an appointment at a brand new dentist, but I’m terrified he’ll judge me for getting my teeth like this, and he’ll say they’re so bad he can’t do anything about it… If there is something that can be done, what can I expect? I’m so ashamed of my teeth and its getting in the way of my life, because I’m scared to open my mouth to far when I’m talking/smiling
Im really sorry that you have had to deal with these difficulties , which have had the end result of damage to your teeth .
The dentist will need to told by you about your anorexia / binge problems , and that you are feeling vulnerable and afraid .
Dentists are trained to know that this can happen , and they will not be judgemental .
Often the feeling of being judged is coming from the inner feelings of shame and guilt that the person has .
Then the patient mind reads that the dentist is being judgemental .
The condition of your teeth is the legacy of all your psychological problems , but you are now having the courage to do something about it .
You will find out what the condition of your teeth is and can then make decisions about what to do .
If you dont do anything then , nothing will change and things will only get worse .
Do you have a counsellor or therapist to talk things through with ?
Hope this helps