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Patient of Dr John Mantel
32 Whites Dental Care, 100-102 Church Lane, Marple, Cheshire SK6 7AR
Tel: 0161 449 8419
What was the reason for your dental phobia?
When I was about 10 I had 4 teeth out in one go. I didn’t know about the needles that they used to numb your mouth, so it was quite a shock when it happened. At this time it wasn’t explained to me exactly what was happening, during this procedure or any others, so I grew to dislike and fear it.
What made you decide to take the first step in contacting a dentist?
I had, in great procrastination style, always thought in the back of my mind that I really needed to conquer this fear. I wish had done it earlier now, but I waited until I really needed treatment – in this case a crown! Then I had no choice, but I am so glad it happened.
What made you choose the dentist / clinic that you did?
They were very professional and quick to respond to my requests for information and appointments. I felt very reassured, and as there was no delay in my treatments and a continuity of care, I didn’t build up worries or concerns.
Describe your dental experience (from the initial contact, the first appointment, consultation and right through to the treatment including your feelings and anxieties throughout).
I was extremely worried and anxious on my first visit, and this continued for a few appointments. Then I realised that each time I visited it was explained to me exactly what was happening, and what I needed to do and what I could expect. If there would be surprises, then I really didn’t need to worry, and now I have come to not have those feelings. I rationally know it’s going to fine, and to trust I can ask all the questions I need to.
How did you manage to overcome your dental phobia?
I realised that if I can do something once, I can do it again. I made it through the first visit, and so there was nothing to worry about. I could do it again.
How do you currently feel about your dental phobia?
I am aware I might start worrying sometimes, but I remember how far I have come and know how to make sure I get the right appointments for me, and ask any questions I need to.
Any other comments or words of advice to people out there who are suffering from dental phobia and are avoiding the dentist?
The best thing to do is to book the first appointment, and stick to it. That’s the worst thing you have to do, is wait for the first appointment, then once it’s out of the way, you can do it again no problem.

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