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What will happen when I get my tooth extracted?

Hello Dr,
I had a tooth extracted before Christmas but my dentist couldn’t get all the tooth out. He struggles for a while but said that the root wasn’t straight so would send me to hospital instead. i found the experience very traumatic with lots of needle injections over and over because I could feel him trying to remove the tooth.
My main question is, what will they do at the hospital? He said something about sedation in my hand? Could you possible explain what this all means so that I am prepared more for when I get the appointment? many thanks.

Its possible that the first appointment may be just to look .
After that it may be possible for the remaining tooth root to be got out more easily , and by a more experienced person who deals a lot with extractions .
There should be no need for you to feel pain .
If they are going to offer you , or if you ask for sedation, that would usually be on another day and you would need someone with you ,
The injection in your arm usually makes you very sleepy and unaware of what is happening , then the remaining root is removed with local anaesthetic .
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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