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Real Patient Stories

Many patients have overcome their fears with the help of Dental Phobia certified dental professionals. Below are some examples of how gentle approaches to treatment have helped alleviate their fears and make dental treatment a comfortable experience.

Pat Dunford

Patient of Dr Yasmin George (The Courtyard Clinic)

"I don’t even get anxious any more. I can’t say I have overcome my phobia – I get round it, with sedation"

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Patient of Dr Yasmin George (The Courtyard Clinic)

"Firstly I had to acknowledge that I had a problem, then look for the right help and be guided by Yasmin and her team if I had any ongoing concerns or worries"

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Olly Watts

Patient of Dr Kalpesh Bohara (The Dental Suite)

"After extensive research online and forum chats with professionals, including Dr. Kalpesh Bohara, I found the Dental Suite to be one of the leading practices dealing with nervous patients"

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Kate Howey

Patient of Dr Leila Johnson (Causeway Dental Practice)

"I went to the dentist at the age of about 9yrs to have a tooth removed and ended up being pinned down by my mother, the nurse and the dentist had my head trapped between his legs to keep me still. At that age all I could hear was the cracking of the tooth not actually any pain. This experience has made me nervous of the dentist"

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Jenny Hill

Patient of Dr David Rudin (The Arnold Dental Centre)

"My advice is not to avoid the dentist no matter how fearful you are. I felt stupid initially explaining how fearful I was of the dentist, but it was the best thing I have done! I would strongly advise speaking to your dentist and sharing your fears so they can help you through the process"

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Phil Martin

Patient of Dr Munther Sulieman (Merton Dental Centre)

"I managed to overcome my fear due to the fact that I know that Dr Sulieman has a good understanding of the root cause of my fear of visiting the dentist and actively takes steps to put my mind at rest and tailor my dental treatment to my need’s"

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Marilyn Emes

Patient of Dr Richard Colebourne (Evesham Dental Health Team)

"I think it is a case of mind over matter. I simply just didn’t see myself wearing false teeth. I had a brace as a girl, one of the ones that fitted in the roof of my mouth, and I didn’t get on with it. So I decided that I had to do something if I wanted to keep my teeth. I can now smile and feel proud that they’re mine. I am so chuffed. I have also always tried not to pass my fear on to my daughter"

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Patient of Dr John Mantel (32 Whites Dental Care)

"I realised that if I can do something once, I can do it again. I made it through the first visit, and so there was nothing to worry about. I could do it again"

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Suzy Masser

Patient of Dr Richard Colebourne (Evesham Dental Health Team)

"I have all my treatment with the dentist through IV sedation. I’ve come a long way – I now have confidence and I am reassured because I have built up trust with Richard and the team"

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Carol Breedon

Patient of Dr Steve Larcombe (St. Lawrence House Dental Practice)

"My phobia is exactly as before, except, I will go straight away to Lee and Steve because I believe and trust them"

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Ian Moffat

Patient of Dr Kal Patel (Fareham Road Dental Surgery)

"I would be lying if I said I am 100% over my phobia, but I am at point where I can sit in the waiting room and look around and see I’m not most nervous person in the room anymore. I am at the point where I almost look forward to going as I know it is for my benefit and instead of being hurt for nothing, I am going in there to improve myself and show off how well I’ve done and the hard work Kal has put in is paying off"

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Natalie Holton

Patient of Dr Claire Wilkinson (The Courtyard Clinic)

"I am still overcoming it now however, with the help of a great team of people, understanding, and working out what’s good for you, my salvation was music I let my mind run away with the music instead of letting the mind chatter take over, I’m not saying it goes completely however with each visit the mind chatter gets less and less"

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Brenda Davey

Patient of Dr Anoop Maini (Aqua Dental Spa)

"Don’t avoid the dentist! I happily sailed through without dental care until my fifties – and then I was hit by some very serious problems, which could have been prevented earlier"

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Sharon Payne

Patient of Dr Claire Wilkinson (The Courtyard Clinic)

“With encouragement from Claire and the team, the tablets that calm me down enough to get in the chair. I listen to music so I cant hear what they say and close my eyes. Mad but it gets me through it!!!”

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