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FAQ's about dental phobia

Dental phobia is a very broad subject and can be complex and leave sufferers feeling as though they have no one to turn to.

Where can I find a dentist that is sympathetic to my needs as a sufferer of dental phobia?

Many dentists have been professionally trained to deal with patients who are nervous or anxious about visiting them. They will have seen it many times before and will be more than happy to help you. For a list of cosmetic dentists who are more than happy to help you, click here

I’m so nervous about visiting the dentist that I really feel that I can not go through with it. What should I do?

The worst thing that you could do would be to just stop visiting your dentist, as this can lead to severe oral health problems and result in lengthy and potentially painful and expensive surgery. Try visiting your dentist beforehand to talk to them about your procedure and to get a feel for the dental surgery.

I’m convinced that when I go to the dentist I will have to undergo a procedure that will be painful. Is there anything that can be done to make it less painful?

First of all, not all dental procedures are painful. Many people consider injections to the gums to be the most painful part of visiting the dentist, thankfully there are alternatives such as sedation which can take away the pain, as well as modern advances in dentistry such as the wand which is used for administering painless injections to the gums.

I’m really embarrassed by my oral health and this is putting me off visiting my dentist. What other reasons are there for people suffering from dental phobia?

There are many different reasons why people suffer from dental phobia. Some people had a bad experience with the dentist as a child, and are still put off visiting their dentist when they are grown up. Others are put off by what they think of as horror stories from friends or colleagues, and are unwilling to put themselves through this. For other people the lack of control that they experience whilst visiting the dentist puts them off. They feel that they are helpless and can do nothing to stop the dentist doing what they wish whilst carrying out surgery. To try to combat this you could ask your dentist to talk to you during the procedure, to let you know exactly what they are doing, and why.

I’m anxious about an upcoming trip to the dentist. What can I do to help prepare myself for treatment?

There are many things that you can do to help prepare yourself about an upcoming visit to the dentist. You should try visiting your dentist before your appointment so that you can ask your dentist detailed questions about the procedure which you are going to undergo. Your dentist should tell you step by step what will happen during the procedure, and will be more than happy to help you. Also, during these visits you can get a feel for the dental surgery and its environment to help prepare yourself for your treatment.

What can be done to help relax me during my visit to the dentist?

You should let your dentist know straight away that you are nervous about your procedure, and your dentist will be more than happy to help. Many dental surgeries play soothing, relaxing music to help put their patients at ease whilst they are receiving treatment, and many dentists will try to use distraction techniques such as talking to their patients to try and take their mind off their surgery.

I’m really paranoid that I will be causing a massive inconvenience to my dentist if I am obviously nervous during my procedure. Can you give me any assurances that I am not alone in suffering from dental phobia and that I will not cause my dentist any inconvenience y being so nervous?

Your dentist will be more than used to treating patients who suffer from dental phobia and will be trained to help you. Your dentist will be more than happy to help, but it is important to let them know that you are apprehensive. Please do not let this stop you from visiting the dentist! Your dentist will have treated many, many patients who are nervous about visiting them, and you will be no where near the worst that they have encountered. No matter how much inconvenience you think you may be causing to your dentist, it is important to remember that your oral health comes first, and that your dentist is trained to help patients feel comfortable during dental procedures. You’re not causing your dentist any inconvenience, they’re just doing their job.

What are some other names for dental phobia?

There are many different names for dental phobia: dentophobia, dental fear, dentist phobia, dental anxiety and odontophobia. On, we tend to use the phrases ‘dental phobia’ and ‘dentophobia’ most often.

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