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Anxiety over simply returning my reminder form. What will they do?

Hi Jennifer. firstly, if I have not been to the dentist for three years what will they do? As you could guess this is the situation I am in. I cannot bring myself to go the the dentist. I have had several letters asking me to confirm my net appointment etc in this time and have never replied to them as I can’t bring myself to. I have picked up a pen and set about filling it in but never finished it or sent it back. the sheer though of going upsets me so I just ignore it. Is there anything you could suggest trying that could help somebody in my situation please? thanks a lot

Well the first thing that will happen is that they will have a look at your teeth and ask you if you are having any problems .
They may want to take X rays .
Im not sure what the letters are that you refer to are they reminders?
Its probably best just to pick up the phone and make the appointment , take a deep breath and just do it . You will find that although it will feel uncomfortable , the anxiety will pass , and it wont have been so bad !

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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