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As I will be awake during sedation will I be able to feel my tooth being pulled?
hello, im due to undergo sedation treatment to have a tooth removed. I am a very nervous patient and i have just read the information sent to me by the sedation clinic that i am to attend and it say’s i will be fully awake through the treatment but unaware of what is really going on and the thought of being awake scares me will i truely not be able to feel my tooth being pulled out or can i ask to be refered to my hospital too be put under general anaesthetic?
This is a common question .
To answer your last question first ,
Yes it’s possible to ask to be referred for a Ga .at the hospital it’s likely they will offer you sedation first , but if you don’t feel able to do that then they will probably arrange a Ga .
Because most people’s ideal is to be ‘completely knocked out ‘we have to make sure patients are aware that they will not be unconscious .That is not permitted in general dental practice .
With sedation you will not be aware of what is going on , and the majority of people remember nothing at all .
You will have an effective local anesthetic exactly as good as if you were fully conscious .When you are fully aware after the procedure you will still be numb .
Being awake is not the same as being in a sedated state .