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Can I have my wisdom tooth removed under general anaesthetic?

I have put off going to the dentist for quite a while and I know I need a bit of work done, especially as I think a wisdom tooth is on it’s way and rather painful. I have tried various techniques to get me through procedures, including hypnotherapy and sedation. The latter ending very badly with me reacting negatively with the sedation. My question is would any dentist do the work I need whilst under general anaesthestic? I have had a tooth removed this way due to it growing on the one below before at east grinstead hospital in kent when I was a child. I know this would not make me overcome my fear but I just cannot get past this fear.

Its possible for you to have extractions done under a general anaesthetic at a hospital , a wisdom tooth would qualify .
However its almost impossible to get any restorative work done except under Iv sedation
Im not personally a great fan of hypnotherapy .
However I treat people who have been elsewhere and had failed sedations . My partner anaesthetists can do deep sedation with a mixture of different drugs , and I have not had any failures .
However there are some people who have such deep phobias that they are difficult to treat , although we do get the treatment done and the patient doesnt remember anything
Patients like this often have been traumatised by dental treatment , or emotional ,physical abuse for example . Its a sort of post -traumatic dental anxiety .
It might be worth seeking out some Cognitive behaviour therapy via your dr .
But first find out what you need doing , and take it from there

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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