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How Can I Get Through Root Canal Treatment with Dental Phobia?

I suffer from dental phobia but am able to cope by going regularly and can cope with routine fillings and short appointment. However, I need a re-treatment for root canal, which I have been told takes 2 hours. I struggled with the one hour appointment when the tooth was originally done and got very panicky half way through. I don’t know how to cope with this length of time and presume it cant be broken down into more manageable times. The alternative is to have the tooth out, which I am more terrified about. I am so worried about feeling faint and panicky during the procedure.

It might be able to be done in two visits rather than one, but it really depends on the condition of the tooth.
But it’s important to tell the treating person how you feel.
Perhaps ask for a sedative tablet . Take some music and headphones along as a distraction.
If the rubber dam is used as it should be, then some people do cope better as nothing gets behind it.
Hope this helps a bit, Jenny.

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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