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I am afraid of having local anaesthetic
I have developed an intense fear of developing a severe allergic reaction to local anaesthetic. I had a root canal done 3 years ago and all felt o.k but now I have to go back to my dentist for a potential Crown. The procedure itself does not bother me but this constant fear of a potential allergic reaction is terrifying me. Can you provide me with any advice/reassurance.
I may have pressed this by accident so will resend .
Your past experience has been of having local anesthetics safely and without problems .
Now you have developed a belief that you may have a catastrophic allergic reaction to the it .
So this belief is causing you to have thoughts about this which are generating fear and anxiety .
So this belief is irrational based on your previous positive experience .
So whats needed is to help yourself to deal with these difficult thoughts , and change an irrational belief to a rational one !.
Allergies to local anesthetics are very rare. In fact Ive never come across one myself in 43 years of practice . There are different formulations and some people need to have different ones for different reasons .
The ‘changing thoughts ‘ technique is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy , and its well worth a try to help you with this problem