Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I can’t sleep thinking about my appointment, help?
Hi There :)
I am petrified of the dentist and as a result my teeth are in bad condition and i have lost some and also have a front chipped tooth, I have finally mustered up the courage and made an appointment for next week however i am so scared its unreal i cant even sleep is there any kind words you can give me to stop me panicing so much i would be very grateful many thanks for reading this.
It is of course natural to be anxious having not seen a dentist for a long time. The important thing is to remember you are in charge – the dentist cannot do anything without your permission.
Have you seen this dentist before? If not it would be a good idea to ask if you could have a chat on the phone, as you can explain how you feel and ask what they might be able to do to help you. This will give you a feeling for whether they are going to be sensitive to your needs. For example, they might want to know why you are so nervous, and be able to offer some help before your appointment.
Sometimes people are so nervous they can’t even get in the dental chair to let the dentist have a look – in these circumstances a short (say 10 minute) appointment to discuss your phobia and how they might be able to help you can be useful – this appointment might not even be with the dentist – maybe you could ask to speak to the nurse or receptionist.
Please don’t feel embarrassed about what the dentist will find – I can assure you there will be lots of people with bigger problems than you have.You are one of thousands of nervous patients – you just need to find someone who can give you the time to grow your confidence and comfort levels at the dentist.
I hope this is helpful. Please feel free to contact me again if I can help further. If you are based in the London area I would be happy to see you or feel free to visit our clinic. If you would like to receive our new ebook with information discussing how we can help you overcome your dental phobia please just contact simonnery@mac.com
Dr Simon Nery
BDS,FDSRCS(Eng), M.Sc, MRDRCS(Edin), DipImpDentRCS(Edin).
Part time Lecturer in Restorative Dentsitry at the London Hospital 1998-2010
GDC Registered Specialist (Prosthodontics) and Dental Phobia Expert.
20 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8GF, Tel 020 7580 1553.