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I could taste what was inside the numbing injection and it scared me! Is that supposed to happen?

Hello Dr, I’m due to have a filling and I know I have to have the injections in my gums, it’s not the actual injection that scares it it’s that last time I had an injection in my gums I could taste what was coming from the syringe. It was vile and I felt like I was choking, I was so embarrassed because I caused such a scene. Will this happen again this time? I don’t think I can handle it, I don’t know why it scared me so much and I don’t want to seem like I’m being a baby or causing a fuss, do you have any suggestions for me? Should I say something to my dentist or is this something that is simply unavoidable?

Im sorry you had an unpleasant experience at your last visit .
I suspect that this was probably a once only thing .
However when the injection solution has been placed in the gum , occasionally a little spurts out when the needle is withdrawn .
Although it probably won’t happen again , the solution is rather bitter , but it wont actually do any harm , it only numbs when its injected into something and not a surface .
Tell the dentist otherwise they won’t know what is bothering you , or you are afraid of , and they will be patient with you .
Hope you get on all right this time

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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