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I got brushed off after plucking up the courage to go to the dentist. What do I do now?

So desperately want to get me teeth looked at. Am a young 59 year old and it is ruining my life. I stood outside a surgery near where I live that advertised NHS treatment yesterday for ages, finally plucked up the courage to go in and a really snappy dental nurse said they werent taking any patients. Killed my confidence completely as I immediately thought she had taken one look at me and said no. Is it worth trying to improve things at any age? And NHS dentists N/NW london or anywhere that you recommend? Thanks so much

I cant recommend a particular dentist , but you may find an NHS one through
try not to take the brush off that you had personally , the truth may well be that they just are not taking on new NHS patients for the time being .
Unfortunately the NHS dental service has a very bizarre system of payment that makes some dentists avoid treating patients with high needs .
However there are dentists who will , and its worth ringing round so that its easier to accept yes or no without feeling personally hurt .
Its possible to turn your life around and recover your confidence in your youthful outlook , but it seems youve found the courage to get started , good luck .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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