Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I have been a dental phobic since I was 5, would you consider treating me?
Dear Jenny, I have been a dental phobic since I was 5, following an awful dental visit. I have had some dental treatment since at my Mothers insistence, but when I left home I rarely had dental check ups. I haven’t been able to visit a dentist fro years. I believe I need considerable dental treatment, many extractions etc. I have recently been to my local a and e for i.v antibiotics following an abscess which distorted the right side of my face. I need to begin treatments and to attempt to help myself with this phobia, would you consider treating me? Many thanks.
of course I would be pleased to see you and see how I could help you .
You would need to make an appointment for an initial consultation and assessment .
If you want to take this further then I suggest you ring the practice treatment coordinate who used to be my nurse to discuss making an appointment .
Mrs Sarah Goddard .
or ring the practice reception team on 0207 200 5800 .
my e- mail at work is jennifer.pinder .
hers is sarah.goddard
hope this helps