Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I have severe pain in my mouth
I am suffering from severe pain in mouth which i believe is an abscess or two. Due to severe anxiety and depression i have not visited the dentist since 2008. I am ashamed to say my teeth are in a terrible state and although i brush twice a day and use mouthwash the pain is now unbearable. My biggest fear is injections and losing my teeth so thats why i have ignored it. I am undergoing therapy for my anxiety and depression but its going to be a long road to recovery. I need to get sorted as soon as possible but being a childminder i have little free time. Can you please advise me. I live in the rise park area. Kindest regards.
If you think you have an abcess , then you could go to your dr , explain about your phobia and other difficulties , and get some antibiotics . Or visit an emergency dentist who would be able to do the same .
You are fearful of injections which is obviously something that needs to be tackled if you are going to get treatment to help keep your teeth .
Its often easy to say you dont have much free time , but the fact is that if you are going to get help , then some time will have to be found to do it .
Your therapist might be able to help you get to the stage of finding a dentist , making an appointment and finding out whats wrong , just take it a step at a time .
Hope this helps a bit