Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I have severe phobia of the dentist
Hello Dr Pinder.Iam going to loose my teeth I have phobia of dentists my teeth are in a bad way. I can not face going and I tried to commit suicide two weeks ago just to be rid of this fear. I have no life ,my doctors has put me on diazapan which makes me sleepy. Please help.
Firstly diazepam will not be sufficient to help you get over the suicidal thoughts .
If you are feeling so bad then I suggest that you ask your GP as soon as possible for a referral for some psychological help , but please please tell him that you are so depressed .
You need to try and pluck up courage to at least see a dentist who can then start to help you . There is a special service at Guys hospital for severe dental anxiety , and there are Community Dental Services which also help people like yourself .
Just opening up your fears is a good start .