Expert answers
We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.
I haven’t been to the dentist for eight years
Hello I am a 22 year old , I have not been to the dentist in around 8 years, I cant remember exactly why my phobia started but I cant bring myself to go. My teeth are in a very bad condition and have recently been giving me excruciating pain. I know I need to do something about my rotten teeth between the pain and the embarrassment every time I smile I heard about dental sedation and wondered if its an option. Money is another huge issue even if I brought myself to go to the dentist I cant afford the massive costs. Do I have any options??
Im sorry you are in this difficult place .
Yes Sedation can be an option .
Im not sure what your financial position is , but if 1. On benefits you dont pay on the NHs 2.Nhs charges are NOt expensive in relation to other goods and services £17 for an exam and cleaning , £40 for say that and two fillings , and up to about £200 if you need work with a lab cost .
Private dentists have varying charges , and it would be worth while at least finding out what you need , then work out how you might pay or budget for it
At the moment if you dont find out youll just torment yourself with worry , so use that worry to try to face your fear and at least make the first steps .