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If I have gingivitis, what dental treatments are still okay for me to receive?
If I have gingivitis, what dental treatments are still okay for me to have? And what effect will these treatments have on my gums? How will gingivitis affect the various dental treatments that I have already had….what should I not be receiving while I have gingivitis? I require other dental treatments that I feel require more attention than my gums at this present moment. Thank you.
The word gingivitis means inflammation of the gums .
It can be acute , or usually chronic .
The main cause if plaque build up , and if its only at the surface is called gingivitis .
The right treatment is to get rid of any acute infection , have some professional cleaning , and improve your home plaque control .
There is no contra -indication for having any dental treatment , but filings etc should be deferred until your gums are healthier .
bleeding gums make doing decent treatment difficult .