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I’m scared of the dentist, could hypnosis work for me?

Hello doctor I have for the as long as I can remember despised the dentist, I cant remember why and I cant remember a particular incident happening or anything like this? every time im in the dentist I feel panicky more and more and mooore as I near the treatment room its quite pathetic im 25 now it shouldn’t worry me anymore! Can you please tell me what’s involved with hypnosis please Its a method I have heard of that will help you get over dentist phobias but I can only picture someone waving a pendant in your face and cant imagine it’d be like that. what do they do to you, does it work and how? thank you so much :)

First of all don’t beat yourself up , its not pathetic to be anxious to the point of feeling panicky about going to the dentist .Your emotional state is very real and uncomfortable .Please be kind to yourself , these kind of feelings are not uncommon but people just don’t tell each other about them .
You have made a start in investigating how you might get over this .
Hypnosis for clinical reasons is quite different from the stage hypnosis and getting people to do silly things .
It works for some people , but at the least it helps people go into a state of deep relaxation . I have a hypnotherapist who has had successful treatment after a severe phobia , and she learnt to do and use self hypnosis .
Learning relaxation techniques and how to control panicky feelings with controlled breathing can also be helpful .
I recommend an organisation called Anxiety Uk ( google this ) .
Hope this might help .

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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