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My filled tooth is extra sensitive

Hi, I had a filling on a tooth in January which the dentist said was deep. Since July it is sensitive to hot and cold but disappears quickly. Dentist did xray in July and said there is a dark spot but could be my sinus on there and to monitor and go back. It is still the same but my appointment isn’t for another 4 weeks as she is away. Is this ok to wait. It is an upper molar. Thanks. 

If your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold , then that shows that the nerve is still alive . However if the filling was deep and near the nerve then it may have become inflamed or irritated . That is not unusual . An X ray wont show anything at that stage . It only shows a shadow at the end of the root on an xray if the nerve has died
Either way its a matter of waiting to see if it settles down and doing nothing ( but the nerve may be dying quietly ) or having to have a root canal treatment if that is feasible if you want to keep the tooth .
Its ok to wait , unless it develops into full blown tooth ache . But at this stage there is no right answer
Hope this helps

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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