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My friend has had a terrible dental experience and this has greatly impacted her life. What can be done?

I’m not sure where to begin.
I’m at my wits end. This has traumatised me. A friend of mine 36 went to a dentist at 18 for veneers. She says he drilled/filed her teeth to stumps and put badly fitting crowns. Like he was experimenting on her. He was sacked and a claim started but never completed. She walked around for years with people recoiling in horror. She became a solicitor to see if what happened to her was unlawful. A multitude of events has led her to a complete mental breakdown, strong anti-psychotic drugs to help her sleep, heavy cannabis use, in & out of mental health section wards, although now they wont take her. And finally into the hands of the police even being on remand in prison for a week. She says she has never been a woman and therefor never been able to have a family and children. She says she needs serious dental work for the rest of her life. She seems to need an extremely empathetic and experienced dentist to reassure her and advise on the best course of action.
From what I’ve seen her family, GP and mental health services seem incapable or unwilling to get close enough to help.

I wonder if your friend is yourself ?
This sounds really complex , and Im not sure what the question really is ?
Are you looking for a dentist who might be able to help ?
The only way to find out what treatment is needed to sort this out is to get an opinion , or at least talk to a dentist face to face .
If you can be more specific please e- mail me again , where do you live , what funding can you afford , then I might be able to help further

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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