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My Teeth Are Beginning To Fall Out – What Should I Do?
My teeth are rotten and are beginning to fall out, at about a piece of tooth per month. I have looked closely at my mouth and cavities are everywhere and the falling out seems to have got worse since I started not missing a clean in the morning and night. It seems to be loosening them more.
I’m scared of the dentist but my appearance is vastly going. Please help, its making me depressed.
I’m sorry to hear you are depressed. I assume you are very fearful about dentistry.
Your first step has been taken to doing something about it. The next step might be to look at a website called www.dentalfearcentral.org where there are lots of resources, plus a very good forum where others air their fears and experiences and give some recommendations for dentists.
Doing nothing will change nothing, and you will stay depressed, I also recommend the site of AnxietyUK to help deal with these feelings.
Try to imagine one morning waking up with no bad teeth, no more bits dropping off, the appearance you would like, and being able to forget about your teeth.
That is entirely possible if you can have the courage to take the next step.
I hope this helps, Jenny.