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Expert answers

We know how daunting dental treatment can be. Our Dental Phobia certified experts are here to help ease your mind before treatment by answering your questions.

Can I Have My Tooth Extracted Under General Anaesthetic?

Hi. Many of the questions here echo my own issues. I really fear the dentist. You said about finding a good, patient one, but my first was the best in his clinic and I was scared of him too. Went back years later and now my teeth are really bad, broken and miscoloured. Can I go somewhere, get completely knocked out, asleep and unaware, have what I have left taken out of my mouth then get some dentures? Not dental implants, good dentures I can take out and clean by hand at night. Brushing makes me gag and I need to fix this. I can’t smile and have no confidence at all. Please help. Anything with zero mouth pain. I can handle the arm needle that puts me to sleep. But nothing in my mouth.

Hello. Yes it would be possible to have all your teeth out under a general... Read more

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired

What Happens During a Surgical Extraction?

My dentist couldn’t extract my tooth last week as it kept breaking and they have referred me for a surgical extraction. I am so nervous, I was shaking like a leaf whilst my dentist was trying to take it out last week and I’m terrified of it happening during the surgical extraction. It’s being done under local anaesthetic. I also had a panic attack afterwards. The dentist was lovely and very caring, but I’m worried about what will happen with the oral surgeon. I try so hard to stay in control and not get so anxious but my body just takes over and shakes. I feel so stupid. What happens at a surgical extraction and is there anything I can do to help me cope?

Hello. The extraction procedure done by the oral surgeon will be quite sim... Read more

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired

How Can I Get Past My Dental Phobia?

I am terrified, just writing this to you is make my heart thump, but I need to do something.
The last time I visited the dentist was in 1976 and whilst I was wary then, I really didn’t have the fear I have now.
A colleague and I were going through similar procedures (different dentist) at the same time and unfortunately she died under anaesthetic.
Now I know that this was an extreme case, however over the years my phobia has just increased and unfortunately I have recently suffered depression where I haven’t been caring for myself at all well. I am a sensible person really and I can’t get past this awful, awful feeling, embarrassment too, how stupid I feel etc.
How can I get past this please?

I think that you would come into the category of a very severe dental phob... Read more

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired

How Can I Overcome My Fear of the Dentist?

Hello. I saw you online and I do have a question, I hope you don’t mind. Well, I have a very big fear of the dentist – obviously it’s not the actual dental nurses that I hate, but when I was younger in my teens, I had to have a back molar extracted. The dentist at the time tried to pull it out himself, which he never succeeded in doing, because it was a deep root. Then I had to go to the hospital anyway to get it taken out, and since that day (I’m now in my mid thirties) I am scared of the dentist. I do however need to go to the dentist, because my top molar’s filling came out and I need that sorted. Plus I have a clicky jaw, and sometimes my jaw will lock and I can’t open my mouth too wide, which scares me even more! My question is: how can I overcome this big fear of the dentist? I get incredibly anxious and I don’t like it. I know it doesn’t take very long to have a filling or check up. But, I have tried for so long to put it off and I really can’t and shouldn’t do this any more! Please, if you have any advice or info, I would appreciate it very much :) Thank you. 

Hello. The first thing to do is to pluck up the courage to find a dentist,... Read more

Answer provided by: Dr Jennifer Pinder Retired
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